How A Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve your Smile

dental cleaning

How A Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any type of dental treatment that is done electively to enhance the appearance of your teeth, bite, gums, and smile. A bright and beautiful smile can boost your self-confidence, especially if you have been concerned about the state of your teeth or gums for a while.

If you’re unhappy with your smile and believe that it’s time to get a makeover, then your cosmetic dentist can help you come up with an appropriate treatment plan to transform your smile. Some of the common cosmetic treatments include:

  • Teeth whitening or bleaching
  • Straightening crooked teeth
  • Improving or correcting misaligned bites
  • Filling unattractive gaps between teeth
  • Replacing missing teeth with bridgework, dental implants, or dentures
  • Repair chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Repair tooth infections and cavities
  • Change the shape and size of worn down teeth
  • Replace old, worn out dental appliances

Personalized Cosmetic Treatments

A smile is unique to each person. During your consultation, your dentist will create a digital smile preview of the likely results using special software. The process involves adding an image of your current smile and manipulating the data depending on the necessary procedures – like veneers, implants, Invisalign, or bonding. The system then produces a realistic full-color image of the likely results. Cosmetic imaging increases your chances of satisfaction with your custom treatment plan.  

The most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures include:

  • Bleaching – Teeth whitening treatments, including in-office bleaching and at-home teeth whitening procedures can address the discoloration or teeth staining to give you a dazzling, white smile.
  • Teeth Bonding – This involves applying tooth-colored plastic putty to fill gaps between teeth, whiten them, and correct minor cases of decay.
  • Crowns – Crowns are placed over damaged teeth to create a normal appearance and repair misshapen, fractured, or discolored teeth.
  • Porcelain Veneers – These refer to thin layers of porcelain bonded over the front surface of teeth to improve uneven surfaces and correct unevenly spaced, crooked, chipped, discolored, or oddly shaped teeth.

Only a personal consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Oxnard, CA will help to determine the best cosmetic treatments to help you achieve your dream smile.